Large Map Printer / Exporter

  • Drag-drop a shape file (preferably .geojson format) onto this map to display its border.
  • You can drop multiple files one by one also.
  • Use the sliders on right to adjust the shape and map background.
  • Press Print button when ready. It'll only include the map block, all these texts will be hidden away.
  • Or, you can use the Save button to download the map as an image.


(.webp is a new image standard giving smaller size for same quality)

Print page size

Change page dimensions: can make it big!

Width: px, Height: px   


Page status:

Note: The presets and css scripting for it are approximations and best-effort attempts.
When you go for the print dialogue and choose your page size etc, there will probably be some mis-match.
Please see the print-preview, then come back here and tweak the width and heigth to get it right.



Color:  Border size:  


Border Opacity:
Fill Opacity:
Map Opacity:
Change the backround layer with the layer picker over the map.

Created with in India, by Nikhil VJ

Disclaimer: This map is NOT made for displaying India's political boundaries, it's made for making large full-size printouts of smaller regions inside India or elsewhere.
The India boundary shown is obtained from Survey of India website, is kept as fixed on this map to show official India boundary as per GOI and overriding other community-edited Openstreetmap data over which we have no control. If you're looking at border regions, kindly focus on India boundary only and don't pay any attention to others. 🙏

This page is released open-source under India Geo Spatial Data Guidelines, click here to know more.